Notarize a power of attorney digitally within 24 hours and receive it by post.
Notarize any form of power of attorney 100% online for over 120 countries for international use – fast, easy, and completely online at

§90a Notary Act

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What is a power of attorney?
A power of attorney is a written declaration in which one person (the principal) authorizes another person (the attorney-in-fact) to perform legally binding actions on their behalf.
This can be necessary in many areas of daily life, such as banking transactions, signing contracts, or dealing with government authorities. Especially in situations where the principal cannot or does not wish to be personally present, a power of attorney offers a flexible solution.
At, we make it easy for you to create and notarize a legally valid power of attorney:
- Create Power of Attorney: Easily create your power of attorney online on our platform or upload your existing one.
- ID and Signature Verification: Verify your identity and signature through our secure process – conveniently from home.
- Notarial Certification: Our notaries review and notarize your power of attorney quickly and digitally.
- Receive Documents: After the notarization, you will receive your legally valid power of attorney digitally or by mail.
This process saves you time and allows you to carry out legally binding actions efficiently and securely, no matter where you are.
Apostille a power of attorney through – Ensure international legal validity.
At, you can not only create and notarize your power of attorney, but also take the important step of obtaining an apostille. An apostilled power of attorney ensures the international legal validity of your document in over 120 countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention of 1961.
The apostille confirms the authenticity of the notarial certification, making your power of attorney fully recognized in international legal transactions.
This is particularly important when you need to use your power of attorney in another country – whether for business transactions, legal representation, or other binding actions.
Simple document upload enables notarizations from anywhere.
The apostille ensures that your power of attorney remains legally valid in the relevant countries without the need for further legalization steps. This is done in accordance with the provisions of the Hague Convention, particularly through Articles 3 and 5, which govern the formal process and recognition in international business transactions.
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8. März 2024
Die Abwicklung verlief reibungslos! Statt lange auf einen Termin bei einem Notar in München zu warten, wurde ich angenehm überrascht, da das Team von die Vorbereitung meiner Unterlagen übernommen hat und einen Expresstermin anbieten konnte. D...
Why do you need an apostille?
An apostille is required to have official documents recognized in international legal transactions. It verifies the authenticity of a document issued in one country and ensures that it is legally accepted in another country that is a member of the Hague Convention of 1961.
Typical use cases for an apostille include:
- Marriage abroad: You need an apostille for birth certificates or certificates of no impediment to marriage.
- Studying or working abroad: Academic degrees, diplomas, or certificates often need to be apostilled.
- International business contracts: Contracts and notarial documents require an apostille to be legally recognized in other countries.
- Immigration or residence permits: Visa applications or permanent residency permits may require an apostille on official documents.
An apostille ensures that documents are recognized by foreign authorities without further legalization.
Which powers of attorney are done through
At, various types of powers of attorney can be created, notarized, and apostilled to ensure their international legal validity. The following powers of attorney are accepted:
General Power of Attorney: A broad power of attorney that enables the attorney-in-fact to act in nearly all legal matters on behalf of the principal.
Special Power of Attorney: This power of attorney is limited to specific actions or legal transactions, such as the sale of property or signing a contract.
Health Care Power of Attorney: This comes into effect when the principal is no longer able to make decisions, such as for health reasons. It is especially important for medical and financial matters.
Bank Power of Attorney: Allows the attorney-in-fact to conduct banking transactions on behalf of the principal, whether for everyday transactions or major financial decisions.
Commercial Power of Attorney (Prokura): A specific power of attorney used in business settings, granting the attorney-in-fact broad powers to act on behalf of a company or business.
Real Estate Power of Attorney: This power of attorney is used to transfer rights in real estate transactions, such as buying, selling, or renting property.
Notarial Power of Attorney: Required for legally significant transactions, such as real estate purchase agreements or company formations.
All of the above powers of attorney can be digitally notarized via and apostilled upon request to ensure their legal validity both nationally and internationally.
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